Pearl iZUMi

This one speeds by at a clip. Blink and you might miss it! Here’s your chance to take a look at some of the moving parts that went into our recent work on a new logo animation for Pearl iZUMi.

We think bicycles are inherently musical, so we quickly settled on a rolling, circular, triplet feel in the music’s time signature, and at a tempo that felt like pedaling through a heart-pumping ride. We combined warm electronic sounds with metallic percussion that feels “handmade”, as if being played on the bike itself.

With the music helping provide the momentum through the ten seconds that was available to us, the job of sound design became about texture, weight, and details. Big hits to mark the changing terrain, the sound of tires on different surfaces, and high-tech weaving sounds help illustrate what this brand does best,  and support the visuals on screen.

Finally, sound design and music are brought together to tell a short but evocative story that ought to get you amped to go out and ride. Ten seconds, you say? Plenty of time. Pleeeeenty of time. Here’s the final product with the music and sound design brought together.  Let us know what you think on instagram, or by emailing us.


Client: Pearl iZUMi

Studio: Giant Ant

Music Only

Sound Design Only